Find And Free Your Voice

The All Audio Programme Designed To Help Fearful Speakers To Speak Confidently Without Distress, Procrastination And Perfectionism.

Do You Want To Speak With Confidence

And Clarity At Work?

  • Does your mind hightail it through the door when you need to speak up? Leaving you floundering not even sure what the question was?​

  • Are you terrified of saying the wrong thing, or using the wrong word, so you sound stilted and awkward?​

  • Are you worried about being perceived as weak or incapable by your team, colleagues or boss?​

  • Are you frustrated because you know you're capable of more than your speaking ability demonstrates?​

  • Are you sick to death of your inner critic's tongue lashing when you don't speak up and then someone else perfectly articulates your thoughts?​

If any of the above resonated with you, I understand.
I have been there too.

You are not alone. Many women feel exactly like you do. The mere thought of speaking fills them with dread, let alone actually standing up and speaking in front of an audience, even if that is just one person.

It’s not that surprising when you think about it, because speaking is the most intimate thing we do with…well… everyone, from your barista to your boss.
Essentially, we are sharing our innermost thoughts and feelings with the external world.

In that moment it is easy for fear to rise up and engulf us. Fear that we just won’t measure up. That we won’t be articulate, or fluent, or clear enough. That fear creates mental and physical tensions which literally strangles our voice and makes confident, calm communication impossible.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

This course was such a positive experience. Emma is professional, warm and supportive, which made the group feel at ease and enabled us to push ourselves beyond our normal confidence levels.

Would you like to jump start your career or business because you have the confidence to speak up?

How would it feel if you could...

  • Stand up and speak feeling like you are a stronger and more capable speaker than you ever thought possible and know that this is what your audience sees?

  • Speak with a calm, sincere control so that your audience feels safe and listens carefully to your message?

  • Stand up to speak with your hands, knees and voice study and under your control, so that your audience can more easily perceive your expertise?

  • Take the work seriously and yourself lightly - less frequent less vicious inner critic tirades?

  • Sleep deeply and fully the night before speaking. So that you are refreshed and alert when you need to speak?

  • Have a toolkit of strategies that you can deploy at a moment's notice to help you navigate meetings, conversations and presentations with ease?

Before: Nervous, rushed, shaking After: Considered, calm, expressive

I know this transformation is possible because it happened to me; After a problematic pregnancy and a tricky first year of motherhood my confidence fled and speaking in groups became a truly unpleasant experience. I didn’t feel like I was enough; enough of a mother, a speaker, or colleague. It showed every time I spoke.

Now, I regularly make social media and training videos, I run webinars for 300 + people, guest on podcasts and speak to large audiences all without blinking.

I guarantee you are now thinking some version of, “but it’s different for you!”. I promise you I am in no way different or special when it comes to speaking.

I have just done the work to help re-discover my authentic voice and it has completely changed my life. Now, I’m on a mission to help other women find or re-discover their authentic voice so that they can start living without fear of speaking up. So they can ask for what they want, talk about what they believe in and start making the impact they know they are capable of.

I signed up to this course not knowing what to expect, but it has delivered so much more than I thought.

With This Fully Audio Coaching

Programme You Will Learn:

  • How your thoughts are interrupting your ability to become a confident speaker and how to clear out that clutter

  • How your inner critic and Imposter Syndrome are sabotaging your best efforts and how to tune them out and tune into a more helpful inner voice.

  • How to create and step into your new future as a confident, calm speaker.

  • How to find, free and use your authentic voice, whether you are speaking to one person or many.

Hello, I am Emma!


I have had a gloriously squiggly career, starting in pharmaceutical sales, then training as a Speech and Language Therapist. After a short and sweet affair with the NHS, I became Operations Director in a successful event business, before finding my true passion and training as Voice Coach at the prestigious Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Having worked in the public and private sectors, incorporate and in start-ups, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help women, like you, raise your visibility and credibility at work. I do that through helping you find and use your authentic voice as well as helping you cultivate thoughtful leadership, so that you can earn respect for your expertise, gain recognition for all your hard work and be rewarded (with pay and promotion!) for your results.

When I am away from my desk you will find me at the beach with the kids and the dog, messing about in the sea, or swinging in my garden chair with my nose in a good book. I bake an incredible chocolate cake but am allergic to the stuff! I discovered I was dyslexic when I was 46 and it was such a relief!! The highest place in the world I have ever been is Machu Picchu in Peru.

Let’s speak!

Here's What You'll Get:

Ultimate Outcomes:


You will know that confidence is an outcome of doing the work
– you will feel confidence in your body and hear it in your voice. You will see it in how those around you more easily recognize your potential and reach for your expertise..


You will begin to see the new opportunities that are available to you (going for a new job, giving a presentation, running a team or client meeting) and be willing to step up and show just what you are capable of.


You will reclaim the calm Sunday night feeling as you enjoy the last moments of your weekend, no more lost evenings to worry because a speaking engagement is looming.


You will feel like it is really you speaking, not a hybrid work version of you. Still professional, still an expert, just more you.


You will have found and freed your authentic voice so speaking up will be easier, calmer and, dare I say it, more fun!

Here's Everything You'll Get:

  • Five Modules that will enable you to C.O.P.E with and then ditch speaking anxiety.
    (Total value worth £500)

  • Life time access to all the materials.
    (Total value worth £250)

  • Automatic access to updates and Bonus Materials (Total value worth £250)

  • The Opportunity to let go of old and unhelpful habits and the fear of speaking up (Priceless)

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