Influential Leadership for Women​

The female leaders go-to programme that coaches you to speak and lead with authenticity and grace so that you get promoted and paid what you know you deserve

The Influential Leadership for Women programme is THE solution if you are ready to be taken seriously, land that elusive promotion and finally get properly paid for your impact, all without becoming that kind of leader*...

*you know the kind: selfish, unfeeling & cold

This programme is for you if you're:

  • A female leader who wants to leave meetings, pitches and presentations feeling like you smashed it

  • In a corporate structure and you want to feel confident, calm & credible each time you communicate or speak with the SLT, Exec or board.

  • Feeling like your career has stalled and you are ready to throw fear out of the career driving seat and super boost your next steps.

  • A senior leader who is done with your battle with stage fright and are ready to step into consistent, authentic Executive Presence

  • Feeling that work and/or life are in flux and are filled with doubt about what you have to offer at the next stage of your career AND you are ready to take back your agency and kick start your leadership journey.

After investing in yourself and the Influential Leadership programme you will have:

  • Shifted and elevated your mindset so you not only know but believe you are more than enough and you stop holding yourself back.

  • Learned techniques to manage speaking anxiety so that you sound like the expert you are.

  • Developed speaking skills that create impact and leave a lasting impression on any audience so that you are front of mind for promotions and exciting opportunities.

  • Practised and embodied speaking skills so that they are impactful and authentically you so you never feel like a fraud.

After investing in yourself and the Influential Leadership programme you will have:

Shifted and elevated your mindset so you not only know but believe you are more than enough and you stop holding yourself back.

Learned techniques to manage speaking anxiety so that you sound like the expert you are.

Developed speaking skills that create impact and leave a lasting impression on any audience so that you are front of mind for promotions and exciting opportunities.

Practised and embodied speaking skills so that they are impactful and authentically you so you never feel like a fraud.

Before I started the course, I was frustrated because I was being overlooked. My ideas were shot down, my requests often denied, and when others would categorise me into an "incorrect bucket" - I would never disagree! I was exhausted and my self-worth had dwindled to very low levels.

Thanks to my partnership with Emma, I learned how to value myself first, and then project that into the world. My voice has become stronger, and my ability to speak up in meetings has never been greater. If you are willing to take a look at any faulty thinking patterns you may have, work to evaluate and resolve them, and come out on the other side a more confident and successful individual - get in touch with Emma ASAP!

~ Jessica Malloy

Before I started the course, I was frustrated because I was being overlooked. My ideas were shot down, my requests often denied, and when others would categorise me into an "incorrect bucket" - I would never disagree! I was exhausted and my self-worth had dwindled to very low levels.

Thanks to my partnership with Emma, I learned how to value myself first, and then project that into the world. My voice has become stronger, and my ability to speak up in meetings has never been greater. If you are willing to take a look at any faulty thinking patterns you may have, work to evaluate and resolve them, and come out on the other side a more confident and successful individual - get in touch with Emma ASAP!

~ Jessica Malloy

Learn how to influence and communicate with confidence when you invest in Influential leadership for women:


Once you've invested in Influential Leadership for women you'll get:

Once you've invested in Influential Leadership for women you'll get:


Clear out the speaking clutter and wonky narratives that keep you stuck AND start owning your expertise

Learn how to stop your voice from holding you back, so you sound like the expert you are.

Discover what you have to uniquely offer your team, organisation or market place so your sense of personal and professional confidence is boosted.

Find out and dismantle internal barriers for success so you are literally getting out of your own way and accelerating your communication confidence.


Understanding your default communication approach or how to drive results through relationships.

Explore your default communication style so your relationships begin to make more sense and you are driving great results through those relationships.

Understand why communication conflict occurs and how to avoid or de-escalate it when it does so that you are maximising your relationships and outcomes consistently.

Develop strategies for intentional communication with the other, the outcome and yourself in mind, so people pleasing or steamrolling become a thing of the past.


Using Executive Presence with your clients, teams and key stakeholders, so that they can see your experience and potential.

Discover what Executive Presence is and why you need it for your business so you can be intentional about its use.

Explore approaches to demonstrate EP with your clients, teams and key stakeholders, so they can see your experience and potential.

Learn strategies for dealing with "difficult" people and maintain your EP , so that you become known as a safe pair of hands in crisis.


Develop the body language of leaders and radiate potential before you even speak.

Explore the body language of leaders and learn how to use your body to create connection with your audience so you are remembered for the right reasons.

Understand how you can use your body to calm nerves and anxiety so you are consistently showing up calmly and confidently.

Discover the secrets of effective gesturing so that your spoken content is underlined, not undermined by your hands.


Prepare your body and voice to appear confident and expert. Master breath control for powerful speech. Engage your audience throughout your presentation.

Learn how to prepare your body and voice for speaking so that you look, sound and feel as confident and expert as you can be.

Understand and practise how your breath is the power to your voice so that your listeners hear your expertise with ease.

Discover how to use your voice to keep your audience engaged from start to finish so that they remember you and your content long after you have finished speaking.


Becoming a Thought Leader: Stop you from doing a 'good job' and help you be REALLY influential and persuasive.

Learn a formula for engaging the hearts and minds of your listeners by the way you structure your content, so they care enough to take action.

Develop your monthly strategic plan for creating and developing your thought leadership so you become the go to person for your area of expertise.

Create and deliver your thought leadership so you can see just how far you have come in developing your speaking credibility at the start of the programme. You can now use this to raise your visibility and credibility at work and beyond!

Plus, You'll Get These Bonuses...

Bonus #1

How to manage your meetings effectively - Laser Training

Training valued at £250.00**

So you can run purpose driven, effective meetings, and develop a meeting culture that drives inclusivity and. Effectively running meetings help you get critical tasks done, encourage collaboration and reduce misunderstandings. They offer the opportunity to get everyone pulling in the same direction saving you time, energy and positively impacting your bottom line.

Bonus #2

Difficult conversations Framework

Training valued at £250.00**

In our ever complex world, we need to have difficult and nuanced conversations with people up and down the chain of command. Most of us don't enjoy difficult conversations and will avoid it until it becomes necessary - which most of the time is too late. This simple and effective framework can help you prepare for and deliver difficult conversations when you need to reduce your stress and improve the outcome.

Bonus #3

Training on How to Become a Better Speaker in 30 Days

Training valued at £250.00**

Many leaders who have English as a second tongue there is fear and anxiety about finding the right word at the right time. Or concern about not being understood. In this laser training we are delighted to welcome Sarah McGuinness to the team to share her vast knowledge in this area. Helping you build confidence, clarity and a sense of calm when using English for business (and life!)

Bonus #4

Boundary Boost: Overcoming Overwhelm in Minutes

Bonus valued at £175.00**

Feeling overwhelmed? Overwhelm is a symptom of leaky boundaries. In other words we are saying 'yes' rather than no to people, tasks and events. In IL4W we'll look at what causes leaky boundaries but here we will give you a quick and easy approach to manage overwhelm in the moment and so you can clear the decks to make time and space so you can invest in your self development.

Bonus #5

Managing your Inner Critic Mini-audio series

Training valued at £495.00**

Shift the Focus: If you have a highly active inner critic you'll really benefit from this mini audio training to help you reduce it's impact so that you are primed and ready to absorb the content in the influential Leadership programme. You can dive straight in and start reprogramming your brain and manage your Inner Critic in moments each day.

Special Access Bonus

Not only do you get these amazing bonuses but once you sign up you'll get access to our:

Pre-course Mastermind

Which is four additional coaching sessions for free before the programme begins. You'll get coaching support immediately, you'll stop feeling like it’s just you who feels like this (spoiler alert - it really isn't!). And most importantly you can start your transformation immediately.


Hello, I am Emma!

I have had a gloriously squiggly career, starting in pharmaceutical sales, then training as a Speech and Language Therapist. After a short and sweet affair with the NHS, I became Operations Director in a successful event business, before finding my true passion and training as Voice Coach at the prestigious Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Having worked in the public and private sectors, in corporate and in start-up spaces, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help women, like you, raise your visibility and credibility at work. I do that through helping you find and use your authentic voice as well as helping you cultivate thoughtful leadership, so that you can earn respect for your expertise, gain recognition for all your hard work and be rewarded (with pay and promotion!) for your results.

When I am away from my desk you will find me at the beach with the kids and the dog, messing about in the sea, or swinging in my garden chair with my nose in a good book.I bake an incredible chocolate cake but am allergic to the stuff!I discovered I was dyslexic when I was 46 and it was such a relief!!The highest place in the world I have ever been to is Machu Picchu in Peru.

Let's speak!

Frequently Ask Question

I am so busy, how much work is there?

Feeling like there's never enough time is a common experience. Often, this happens because we're not clear about our limits. We say yes when we should say no. Does this sound familiar? If it does, then learning about influential leadership for women could be just what you need. It'll help you set clear boundaries and communicate them to your team, boss, family, and anyone else who needs to know.

Practical Details:

⚪ Each coaching session lasts 90 minutes.

⚪ We meet three times a month.

⚪ The fourth week is a reset week; there's no coaching or work.

⚪ You'll have tasks between sessions, like watching videos and doing exercises. You can expect to spend 40 minutes to 2 hours on these each week. But it is really up to you how much time and energy you put into this work.

⚪ The more you put in the more you will get out of the programme

It sounds great - can I do this once I get to the next level of leadership?

The idea that senior levels have more time is just not true. If you're short on time now, it won't magically appear when you have even more to do. You make time by setting clear boundaries and then communicating them effectively. (check out FAQ number 1).

Despite being a senior, I'm a very anxious speaker. Will this work for me?

Short Answer: Yes, we've helped many senior women who were anxious about speaking. They've seen great results.

Longer Answer: Yes, but it takes effort. Our clients who see the best and most lasting results make time to practise what they learn in coaching. They apply it in real situations and then discuss the outcomes with us. Together, we fine-tune and improve until they achieve the success they want.

FAQ image

How quickly will I see results?

Some folks see results in a few weeks, while for others it takes a bit more time. We'll spend six months working to change your mindset so it fully backs up your new habits and beliefs. Plus, we'll boost your speaking skills. The goal is for you to walk away with natural, automatic speaking and communication abilities—skills that come without even thinking about them.

I'm senior and don't want anyone to know I am doing this. How confidential is this work?

If group coaching isn't your thing, we also offer the "Influential Leadership for Women" program as a one-on-one experience. You'll get the same content but with my undivided attention for all 18 coaching sessions. This way, we can focus deeply on your unique situation each week, helping you see results quicker. And if you choose the group option, rest assured that everything shared stays private within our group.

How much coaching time will get in the group?

I make sure our coaching groups are small, with no more than 6 people. This way, you'll get 10 to 15 minutes of personal coaching every week during our group sessions. Plus, you'll learn a lot by watching others get coached. Remember, the advice isn't just for one person. If it fits your situation, feel free to use it! If you need more individual attention, you might want to consider the Influential Leadership one-on-one package. It gives you my full focus for an hour each week over the course of the program's 18 sessions.

Will I definitely get promoted or a pay rise?

I'd love to tell you that this programme will surely lead to a promotion, but I can't promise that for your organisation. However, I've seen that women who dive into coaching and really put in the effort—especially when it's challenging—are often considered for promotions. Or, they might realise their current workplace isn't right for them. The coaching helps you see your power to shape your career. While I can't assure a promotion, I can guarantee you'll feel in control of your career and what comes next.

Can I get my money back if I don't think it works for me?

Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you attend all the sessions in the first month, complete the required work, and still find it's not right for you, we'll happily refund your money. So far, no one has needed this option. Before you enrol, I ensure that we're a good match and that the program will truly benefit you. If I believe we can't support or serve you well, I'll let you know during enrollment.

Why is it six months long?

The program lasts six months because we aim to untangle and reshape the flawed thinking and habits you might have had for years before starting this coaching. We're creating new ways of thinking, acting, and skills. It takes time to make these skills a natural part of your toolkit, so you can use them without having to think about it. My goal is that by the end of the program, you'll be able to coach and support yourself in any speaking situation. We've found that six months is the best amount of time to make this happen.

Here's What Other People are Saying

I've done other leadership type programs before but Emma has been by far the best and the most effective for me and a big part of that is down to her personality, her passion and the genuine care she has.

Nital P.

Thank you Emma for providing this safe and comfortable space. This whole experience and this amazing group and you facilitating it providing insights and steps has been amazing. Thank you.

Alice M.

I am really amazed at your ability to be present with each individual and yet systematically read what's going on across the group. To be holding the whole group is quite exceptional and to do it with such insight. Thank you.


I've done other leadership type programs before but Emma has been by far the best and the most effective for me and a big part of that is down to her personality, her passion and the genuine care she has.

Nital P.

Thank you Emma for providing this safe and comfortable space. This whole experience and this amazing group and you facilitating it providing insights and steps has been amazing. Thank you.

Alice M.

I am really amazed at your ability to be present with each individual and yet systematically read what's going on across the group. To be holding the whole group is quite exceptional and to do it with such insight. Thank you.


Choose From Our Programme Plans

With 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you're unhappy for any reason we'll give you your money back.

I am ready to start being recognised for my expertise with ease

  • Total of 18 Group Coaching Sessions

  • Work Day Slack Support - like having a coach in your pocket!

  • 2 x 121 30 mins laser coaching sessions

  • 6 modules (18 lessons) of videos, exercises and tools to up level your mindset, speaking and leadership abilities.

  • Lifetime access to all the content and any future updates.

  • Continuous Support You can email me anytime during the course, should you need to. You will be fully supported in your journey by me and the group.

  • All BONUSES included

Reserve Your Seat Today

If you're unhappy for any reason we'll give you your money back.

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