Influential Leadership for Women​

Are you ready to communicate like the credible leader I know you are and gain the recognition and raise you deserve?​

Does Any Of This Ring True?​

  • Are you fed up with not being recognized as ‘leadership material’ despite having a leadership workload?

  • Are you frustrated with being spoken over in meetings?

  • Are you stuck in a cycle of not speaking up when you have a brilliant idea only to have someone else say it moments later?

  • Do you feel as though you have lost agency in your workplace?

  • Have you made into the C-suite but are having trouble gaining traction with the existing board?

It’s easy to feel like it’s just you. That other women somehow know the secret and are finding all this easy. Well, you couldn't be further from the truth. I know because I have been there - the lone female on an all male board, seeing my ideas rejected only to appear months later with a male sponsor!

Many of my clients feel exactly as you do right now, that they want a greater degree of visibility in their organization or community as well as feeling more credible when they speak up at work. They know they are capable of more, so much more, but don’t know how to find and use the voice that reflects their potential.

This course was such a positive experience. Emma is professional, warm and supportive, which made the group feel at ease and enabled us to push ourselves beyond our normal confidence levels.

How would it feel if...

  • You felt a strong sense of what you uniquely have to offer as a leader and knew how to communicate that to your listeners?

  • You had clarity of who you are as a leader and the boundaries of your expertise so you could positively self promote with ease?

  • You knew how to consistently adapt your messages to different audiences so you knew they had the best chance of landing?

  • You understood what executive presence was and how that can positively impact your impact in all work scenarios from 121 meetings to keynote speeches?

  • You were able to engage your listeners by using your authentic voice, a clear structure with a sense of calm and ease from the moment you begin to speak to the moment you finish?

There Are Three Key Pillars To The

6-month Programme:



You will gain Clarity of who you are and what you have to offer as a leader.

Making your communication clear and concise. You will learn how your values impact your default communication approach and how to maximize the impact of this and minimize or avoid potential conflict.



You will learn how to reconnect to your body so that it is telling the same message as your words – making it easy for your audience to see, hear and feel your impact. You will learn how to adapt your messages for different audiences and scenarios without losing who you are in the process.



You will learn how to use your authentic voice to engage your audience
from start to finish in multiple communication situations. You will learn how all this will form the basis of your Thought Leadership to amplify your visibility and credibility with and beyond your organization.

What opportunities are you looking to uncover for your future?

My executive voice coaching has been designed to help women like you gain clarity, connection and credibility – so you become known for your ability to influence people with grace, get results through collaboration, and realize your potential to become an impactful leader.



This programme is delivered in a small group setting to ensure you get personalized input and feedback to help you implement your learning.



It runs virtually over a 6-month period. We will meet as a group every week for three weeks and then have a re-set week. The training is spilt into 6 modules and between session you will have videos to watch and exercises to complete. You will come to each coaching session with a simple speaking task prepared so that you can receive coaching and support from your peers and me. The more time and energy you can put into the training the more you will get out of the coaching.



You will have an opportunity to access all the learning materials between group coaching sessions.



In the coaching sessions, you will receive 1:1 coaching and you’ll get a huge amount of value from watching others be coached too.

The coaching sessions are where you turn knowledge into action and action gets results. This is where the shifts really happen and new opportunities open up.



You can email me anytime during the course, should you need to. You will be fully supported in your journey by me and the group.

Hello, I am Emma!


Over the years I have worked with many clients interviewing for serious positions, at the Bank of England, the CPJ and many other financial institutions and technology institutions and developed a framework to help walk that tightrope between confidence and arrogance, between giving credit to your team and shining a light on your guiding hand.

I have worked with women like you to help distil decades worth of expertise into a tangible benefit for a new organization. So that my clients can walk or dial into an interview knowing that they are going to be present, persuasive and personable from the moment they say ‘Hello’.

Here's What You'll Get:

Ultimate Outcomes:


You will be able to communicate with credibility, clarity and confidence – feeling more like your true self than ever before.


You will have regained or found a sense of self-trust and enoughness as a communicator and leader.


You will have the self confidence to prepare less and absorb mistakes and slip-ups in ways that you and your audience are completely comfortable.


You will have realized you have set your own bar too low and you are capable of so much more.


You will have a renewed sense of agency about your next steps, so you can take them with confidence and surety.

Here's What Other People are Saying...

Our coach was personable and professional. So knowledgeable and skilled. I was able to relax and learn.

I've been give the skills and information to continue to improve speaking. It's brilliant that you have access to all the courses once the course has finished.


Emma is such a role mode for this course. She presents her material clearly and concisely and with passion and care for everyone in the course.

I would recommend this course for everyone who struggles with communication around their work in any situation. Thank you Emma.

Kathryn H.

I signed up to this course not knowing what to expect, but it has delivered so much more than I thought.

Every session gives us the opportunity tot practice the techniques covered, thus helping us build confidence. Emma has a gentle approach and is so encouraging.

Catherine M.

This course was such a positive experience. Emma is professional, warm and supportive, which made the group feel at ease and enabled us to push ourselves beyond our normal confidence levels.

Hannah W.

The support she gives, combined with her expertise and experience, makes her a great coach. Working in a group of like-minded people who shared the same challenges was very rewarding too.

Catherine M.

Emma breaks down the different aspects of the course in clear easy stages and which makes it manageable.

Hannah W.

Here's Everything You'll Get:

  • Small & Intimate Group Coaching Get personalized input and feedback to help you implement your learning. (Total Value of £2500)

  • You will have access to Voxer coaching between live coaching sessions. (Total Value of £500)

  • You will have access to workbooks, training videos, assessments, exercises and tasks, which will prepare you for the coaching sessions. (Total Value of £5000)

  • You will have lifetime access to the materials. You will also automatically receive any future updates to the materials. (Priceless)

  • 1:1 and Group Coaching In the coaching sessions, you will receive 1:1 coaching and you'll get a huge amount of value from watching others be coached too. (Total Value of £1750)

  • Continuous Support You can email me anytime during the course, should you need to. You will be fully supported in your journey by me and the group. (Total Value of £250)

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